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Academy Stats 2015-16

Sat 08.08.2015 Stoke City (a) drew 0-0

Woolston, Trodd, Kitchen, Adu-Peprah, Pollock, Ward (Spooner), Suddick, Donaghey, McNall (Gallacher), Heaney, C.Smith (Long). 
Subs n/u:
B.Smith, B.Williams.

Sat 15.08.2015 West Bromwich Albion (h) lost 0-1

Woolston, Kitchen, Adu-Peprah, Hunter, Pollock, Newberry, Suddick, Ward, Heaney, Longstaff, Smith (Gallacher 76).
Subs n/u: Smith, Lowther, Long, Donaghey.

Sat 22.08.2015 Wolverhampton Wanderers (a) lost 2-3
McNall, Donaghey

Harker, Spooner, Pollock, Adu-Peprah, Kitchen, Lowther (Johnson), Donaghey, Heaney, Long, C Smith (Gallacher), McNall (Charman) 
Subs n/u:
B Smith, Aziakonou.

Sat 05.09.2015 Manchester United (h) won 3-2
McNall 3

Harker, Bailey, Kitchen, Hunter, Pollock, Adu-Peprah, Suddick, Ward (Lowther 70), McNall (Johnson 67), Heaney, C.Smith.
Subs n/u:
Charman, B.Smith, Gallacher.

Sat 12.09.2015 Boro (a) lost 1-4

Woolston, Kitchen (Bailey 46), Adu-Peprah, Donaghey (Gallacher 70), Pollock, Newberry, Suddick, Ward, McNall (Johnson 70), Heaney, Smith.
Subs n/u
: Harker, Lowther.

Sat 19.09.2015 mackems (h) lost 0-3

Pearson, Aziakonou, Kitchen, Donaghey, Pollock, Bailey (Gallacher 40), Heaney, Suddick (Long 81), Charman, Johnson (McNall 71), Smith.
Subs n/u: Harker, Lowther

Sat 26.09.2015 Liverpool (a) lost 1-4

Harker, Spooner, Kitchen, Pollock, Trodd, Donaghey (Lowther), Suddick, Gallacher, Long (Charman), Smith, Johnson (McNall)
Sub n/u: Aziakonou

Sat 03.10.2015 Blackburn (a) lost 0-2

Pearson, Trodd, Adu-Peprah, Hunter (Charman 18), Pollock, Newberry, Gallacher (Lowther 86), Suddick, McNall (Long 80) Longstaff, Smith.
Subs n/u:
Harker, Aziakonou.

Sat 10.10.2015 Manchester City (a) lost 1-6

Pearson, Aziakonou, Trodd, Suddick (Donaghey 60), Pollock, Adu-Peprah, Lowther (Johnson 60), Long, Charman (McNall 72), Heaney, Smith.
Sub n/u: Harker.

Sat 17.10.2015 Everton (a) lost 1-3

Harker, Trodd, Kitchen, Donaghey, Pollock, Adu-Peprah, Charman, Heaney, McNall, Johnson (Gallacher), Smith. 
Subs n/u:
Suddick, Lowther, Aziakonou, Long

Sat 24.10.2015 Derby County (h) won 5-4
Johnson, Kitchen, McNall, Gallacher, C.Smith

Harker, Trodd, Kitchen, Donaghey (Spooner 82), Pollock, Adu-Peprah, Charman (Holmes 70), Heaney, McNall, Johnson (Gallacher 70), C.Smith.
Subs n/u: Suddick, B.Smith

Sat 31.10.2015 Stoke City (h) won 3-2
McNall 2, Johnson
Woolston, Suddick, Kitchen, Donaghey, Pollock, Adu-Peprah, Charman, Heaney, McNall, Johnson (Holmes, 78), C.Smith (Gallacher 68).
Subs n/u: B.Smith, Lowther, Long.

Sat 07.11.2015 West Bromwich Albion (a) lost 1-2

Harker, Suddick, Pollock, Adu-Peprah, Trodd, Charman (Gallacher), Donaghey, Heaney, C.Smith, Holmes (Long), McNall (Johnson).
Sub n/u: B.Smith.

Mon 16.11.2015 Manchester United (a) won 2-1
McNall, Charman

Woolston, Suddick, Pollock, Adu-Peprah, Trodd, Gallacher (Johnson 76), Charman, Donaghey, C.Smith, Holmes (Lowther 83), McNall.
Subs n/u: Harker, Long, Kitchen.

Sat 21.11.2015 Wolverhampton Wanderers (h) won 2-1
Johnson(pen), Donaghey

Woolston, Trodd, Pollock, Adu-Peprah, Kitchen, Suddick, Charman, Donaghey, C.Smith (Lowther 90), Heaney, Johnson (Long 78).
Subs n/u: Bailey, Harker, Aziakonou.

Sat 28.11.2015 Middlesbrough (h) lost 0-2

Woolston, Trodd, Kitchen, Donaghey, Pollock, Bailey, Long (Aziakonou 78), Charman, Johnson, Heaney, C.Smith (Aplin 58).
Subs n/u: B.Smith, M.Longstaff, L. Suddick.

Sat 19.11.2015 Liverpool (h) won 3-1
Long, Suddick, Johnson

Woolston, Aziakonou, Kitchen, Donaghey, Lowrie, Bailey, Suddick (C.Smith 76), Charman, Johnson, Lowther (Spooner 66), Long.
Subs n/u: Heaney, B.Smith, Adu-Peprah.

Sat 23.01.2016 Blackburn Rovers (a) lost 0-5

Woolston, Aziakonou, Kitchen, Lowther, Bailey, Le.Gibson, Spooner, Aplin (M.Longstaff 55), Heaney, Long, Wilson.
Subs n/u: Walters, B.Smith, Allen.

Sat 30.01.2016 Derby County (a) drew 2-2
Lowther, Allan

B.Smith, Trodd, Le.Gibson, Donaghey, Pollock, Bailey, Spooner, Aplin, Johnson (M.Longstaff 46), Lowther, Heaney (Allan 46). 
Subs n/u:
Kitchen, Harker,

Sat 06.02.2016 Everton (h) lost 0-8
B.Smith, Todd, Le.Gibson (Aziakonou 75), Donaghey, Pollock, Bailey, Spooner (Long 84), Aplin, Allan, Owusu, Lowther (Kitchen 46).
Subs n/u:
Johnson, Harker.

Sat 13.02.2016 Manchester City (h) lost 0-2

B.Smith, Trodd, Adu-Peprah, M.Longstaff, Pollock, Bailey, Owusu, S.Longstaff, McNall, Heaney, C.Smith.
Subs n/u: Kitchen, Harker, Donaghey, Lowther, Long.

Tue 16.02.2016 mackems (a) lost 0-1

B.Smith, Trodd, Kitchen, M.Longstaff, Pollock, Bailey, Spooner (Watts 67), Lowther, Owusu (Allen 67), Heaney, Long. 
Subs n/u: Johnson, Harker, Aziakonou.

Sat 27.02.2016 Derby County (h) lost 0-4

B.Smith, Spooner, Kitchen, S.Longstaff, Bailey, Adu-Peprah, Long, Lowther (Aziakonou 69), Allan, Heaney, C.Smith.
Subs n/u: Harker, M.Longstaff, Watts, Walters.

Sat 05.03.2016 Norwich City (h) drew 1-1

Harker, Spooner, Kitchen (Aziakonou 66), Ward (Broccoli 46), Bailey, Adu-Peprah, Lowther, Long, Heaney, Longstaff, C.Smith.
Subs n/u:
B.Smith, Allan, Watts.


Sat 12.03.2016 Stoke City (a) lost 1-2

Woolston, Aziakonou, Walters, M.Longstaff, Cass, Kitchen, Lowther, Wilson, Allan, Heaney, Long.
Subs n/u:
Harker, Gamblin, Russell.

Sat 02.04.2016 Brighton & Hove Albion (h) won 2-1
Heaney 2


B.Smith, Trodd, Bailey, Le.Gibson, Walters, Suddick (Lowther 62), Broccoli, M.Longstaff, Long (Allan 86), Gallacher (Spooner 62), Heaney.
Subs n/u: Woolston, Watts.

Sat 09.04.2016 Manchester United (a) lost 1-7


Marrs, Spooner, Cass, Gibson, Walters (Long 35), Suddick (Watts 80), Lowther, Longstaff, Smith, Heaney, Allan.
Subs n/u:
Long, Watts, Gamblin.

Sat 30.04.2016 Swansea City (a) lost 1-2

Harker, Broccoli (Spooner 80), Kitchen, Hunter, Bailey, Adu-Peprah, Smith, Longstaff, Charman, Holmes (Long 80), Heaney (Lowther 65).
Sub n/u:

Sat 07.05.2016 Southampton (h) won 4-1
Heaney, Holmes, Bailey, McNall pen

Marrs, Broccoli, Kitchen, Hunter, Newberry (Bailey 46), Adu-Peprah, Heaney (McNall 69), Longstaff, Charman, Holmes, Gallacher (Spooner 42).
Subs n/u:
Lowther, Long.

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Page last updated 19 June, 2016